The mirror is not only a functional element (to reflect the image of oneself), it is also a decorative element to embellish, resize and give a certain style to rooms in the home. It is a very versatile furnishing accessory: it can be placed in any room, it can come in many shapes, sizes and colours, or it can be part of a composition. In short, it is that accessory that allows you to decorate and renew your home at ‘zero cost’.

The choice: shapes, materials and styles

There are an indefinite number of shapes: from the classic rectangular, square, oval or round, to unstructured, to less common geometric shapes such as triangular or hexagonal; or to special formats such as heart, stars, letters, etc… Once the shape has been chosen, we move on to the size of the mirror: small, medium, large (for the latter we also include the maxi category).

Mirrors also follow their own style depending on the environment in which they are placed. For example, a mirror with an important or special wooden frame is suited to rustic, antique or maritime environments; while an iron frame is more likely to match a minimalist or industrial style.

Type of mirror

The type of mirror should not be confused with the shape or style. There are two types of mirror:

  • Free-standing mirror: practical and do not require fixing to the wall;
  • Wall mirror: require wall fixing (depending on weight, choose the appropriate fixing system).

Rooms where the mirror should be placed

One or more functional or decorative mirrors can be placed in every room of the house. Let’s see where and which ones:

  • At the entrance: this is usually a dark and cramped place so placing a mirror in this area will give a greater sense of spaciousness. If the entrance is small, you can also dare with a large wall mirror flanked by hooks for hanging clothes. If you are lucky enough to have a spacious entrance area, you can opt for a rectangular mirror placed on top of a cabinet or shelf;
  • In the living room: in this area mirrors are mainly decorative and can be placed either on the wall or on the floor. We will have a greater sense of spaciousness, be able to create an intimate area and provide more light to the room. For this room we can indulge in different styles, shapes, colours and sizes;
  • In bedrooms: this is often one of the most difficult choices. Here it is not enough to choose according to taste and style alone; the most important factor is the position (do not place it either above or in front of the bed, but rather prefer an empty wall in front of the window if the role is decorative, or close to the window; do not place it on the chest of drawers, to give a toilet effect. Instead, place it above a bedside table to enhance a particular candle or lamp. Choose a floor mirror if you want to give a glamorous touch or a cosy atmosphere);
  • Bathroom mirror: having a mirror in the bathroom is a must. You can choose between mirrors with lighting already built in or mirrors with a shelf or shelves (you can combine this with a row of spotlights or LEDs). Regardless of whether you choose a classic or illuminated mirror, it is important to adapt the dimensions to the washbasin surface: one large mirror or two mirrors placed in front of each washbasin.

Curiosity: Art History

The mirror is an object whose characteristics have astounded the human imagination. It is often linked to the theme of the double, the alternative universe or the upside-down world, beauty and divination. This object has been talked about for several centuries, so much so that it has become part of the folklore and mythology of various peoples. Consider that throughout history it has been represented as an allegory of vanitas and prudentia. This element has made it possible to dilate space by revealing what cannot be seen and is not present in the represented figurative field; it only becomes visible to the viewer through the reflection of the mirror.

To unify the bathroom: Accessories by Colombo Design

The bathroom accessory is an important element. The collections proposed by Colombo Design make the bathroom pleasant and comfortable. Discover the whole production made in Italy by Colombo Design.